The Taste of Love

by Divine Expression

Oh, Lord, I just want the taste of love to linger!
Give it to me slowly and gently.
Send it softly and sweetly.
Make it so good that I have to lick my fingers 
and ask for seconds!

No, I’m not talking about sex,
But about that wonderful,
Soul-fulfilling, life-giving force of love.

Let it sojourn in my soul for a while.
Don’t let it be like food that was SO good,
That we ate it SO fast,
And then have to mourn its passing.
Sitting there twiddling our thumbs,
Wondering where it all went.

Let it stay – 
Long enough for me to savor it,
To remember it,
Accurately, circumspectly, from all viewpoints…
See it from every deliciously beautiful angle.
To rejoice about it,
To get full from it!

Lord, I just want the taste of love to linger…

The Taste of Love by Divine Expression

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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