
by Ms. Juicy

 As you sing to me with out moving your lips
 Make me feel you minus(-) the fluid drips
 Send chills down my spine by reading into my mind

I be into you

As my words tease your emotions like potions of a voodoo queen 
fill your mind with vision you've never seen
because I think deeply and articulate clearly

You be into me

Your thoughts, stimulate, motivates, and sometimes inebriates me
 My love grows stronger then branches on a old ass tree
I know that if I gave myself to you
You would not put it aside or thuggishly tear it free
 That's why

 I be into you 
 you be into me
 We be intimate 

Intimate by Ms. Juicy

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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