Mornin Chocolate

(for Kweti)

by Journey

Between the chill of this mornin's breeze
and the wake of Fall's arrival
sun kissed chocolate greeted me
and brought with him the sun

and he was warm like July
leaving me with the anticipation 
of sticky fingers...
sweeter days...
and chocolate nights
in that rich, melted, special dark chocolate way

donning chocolate dimpled smiles
he caused the May flowers in me to rise
and bloom like co-co roses in July...

a simple fall breeze kept me from melting...
releasing a Hershey scent
that bring smiles to my face 
like I'm three again
spinning free again...

like a kid with a candy coated revelation
I enjoy this Mornin Chocolate ...
it's sweet...

Mornin Chocolate by Journey

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