
by Lakesha Jenkins-Applewhite

I don't want to do this anymore
But I can't bring my mouth to speak 
the words that can end it all
Deliver me from this misery 
Sullen in my discontent
Inwardly I rage at my cowardice
I was taught you stick it out
I was taught you never leave
Day by day more of me disappears
Drowned by his inadequacy and my tears 
I feel angry words on my tongue
Muted silence an ever growing occurrence 
From he that is husband
From I who feels more slave than wife
Buried in disappointment
Straining to see the last embers of light
The dusk of a marriage
The beginning of wed souls
How do I bare this decision that slowly
Swallows me heart and soul 
I don't want to do this anymore....
I was taught you stick it out
I was taught you never leave 

Taught by Lakesha Jenkins-Applewhite

© Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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