My hands long to caress your body, soul, essence
You are beyond my reach
Its so hard to let go of someone I used to call my own
No longer mine
No longer yours
No longer we
Different paths we’ve taken
Ambition becomes the drive that tears us apart
Pride the wall that keeps us separated
But I won’t call you I refuse
Yet I stare at my phone willing it to ring
No longer mine
No longer yours
No longer we
She is your wife
You are father to her children
They have filled the void I left behind
Your heart no longer belongs to me
The unimaginable becomes the bitterest reality
No longer mine
No longer yours
No longer we
I wish you well
At least I wish I could wish you well
I wish I could be as selfless as all that
But in truth we know I never was
Empty the promise of eternity
Rescinded…Resending.. Return to sender
All the letters begging you to see me
No longer mine
No longer yours
No longer we
Half of me now half of someone else
The sign that once said VACANCY now reads POSITION FILLED
My hands long to caress your body, soul, essence
You are beyond my reach
No longer waiting for me
Yet I am waiting still