Sitting at this green light...unable to go...
not because of the traffic but because of the mental barricade that screams "Stop!"
I close my eyes as the tears burn lines down my face
My heart breaks....
I swallow & breathe deeply
Horns behind me honk
People make angry gestures for me to go
But how can I go?
My foot presses hesitantly on the gas pedal & slowly I inch forward leaving my hurt behind
I look in the rearview mirror as all I've ever known slowly fades into the background
Slowly the anguish gives way to relief
I sigh
I revel
I feel the tables turn
And amazingly...something incredible happens
I feel my spirits begin to soar
I feel my speed increase
I am no longer running from everything I've ever known...
no, I'm rushing into everything I've always wanted to be
Tears burn down my face
My heart swells...
I swallow & breathe deeply
Now I have trouble stopping at the red lights
Finally, I am in flight
I am soaring
I am reaching new heights
I am happy