Destined for greatness without knowing one’s full potential
Encouraged despite the obstacles that must be overcome
Struggling and striving and hustling though crying inside as I lose a small piece of my soul
Lusting for the comfort of this lady’s husband’s arms
Craving an end to the aloneness, loneliness so overpowering
Constantly devouring my limited self control
Destined for bigger things while sacrificing big parts of the inner me
Depleted long stored tranquility
Looking in the mirror at this new me but distraught from not liking what I see
Changing into what my potential demands I be
Rediscovering passion, expressing newfound femininity
Destined for a path less traveled, seeking to receive half as much as I seem to give
Unencumbered by the materialism and game playing so many mistake for keeping it real
Willing long shut down regions of my heart to once again feel
Living through life’s ironies swallowing heartache’s jagged little pill
Destined for a brighter day when what I do mirrors what I say
Old memories buried beneath the soil of the beginning of a new day
Holding his hand in mine while slowly lowering my mind’s defenses
To the endless possibilities that are continually presented
Penetrated by the beauty of his passion which surpasses anything I could have imagined
Caution thrown to the wind though promising myself to stick to the rules
Destined for something unknown….