
by Jeff Scott

Visiting soft kisses among the tiny curves of your body.
Feeling the glow return, 
In ripples of pleasure.
Ascending to explosive, undeniable rapture.
The swell of your breast,
The rise of your leg, slowly wrapped around the power,
That sends you into the night.
Driven lustfully wild, 
But tenderly guided.
You give all that you love,
You love all that you give.
Flailing legs, clenched fist,
Welcome that first rush of euphoria,
That calms and soothes all anxiety.
The curve of your smile says Thank you,
As soft kisses visit the tiny curves of your body. 

Rapture by Jeff Scott

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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