Woke Up

by Janala

One of these days I think I'll forget you, 
forgot you, pretend the damn bogeyman shot ya!
Then one I these days I can go on without ya. 
Until then I can't wait to see you, just dreaming of that kiss 
and.. "OH" how I miss the way you..."OH My" the thought of it made me scream 
and when I woke up from that dream 
your memory it seemed.. to be laughing at me,
So I thought " Damn could it be you really don't love me"?  

Are you just sipping and savoring my cream like you do a cup of coffee? 
Hmmm, that laughs got me wondering.

Am I supposed to keep dreaming never to wake-up?
Then tell me why sleep only brings your touch? 
And why when my eyes lay hold to days sunrise
the taste of salt from tears I find?

You gotsta' go or you gotsta' stay 
cause loving you in dreams ain't enough these days.  
So I choose you gotsta' go and yeah I know I've said it before, 
but now I got what It takes to keep my doors closed.

You see last night I dreamt not of your touch or your kiss, 
but me standing alone in pitch-black loneliness.  
It was then I surmised its not you that I miss at all, 
but the woman who was me strong, proud with head tall.

I woke-up much saner and planned the remainder of my life - minus you, 
Let me make it much plainer.

When dawn came today the salt no longer was there 
and I decided then no more could I bear 
you in my life prancing in my REM like you own me 
& then, in & out, come & go 
giving me the respect of a $2 who' 
& you still have the nerve to ask me to change!

Brother Man this is the hour I rebuke the devour 
& take back my power & be about the 3 that mean most to me, myself & I.

When you asked for a "little some-some"
Did you really think I was that dumb 
To give up again what I gave-up before,
Maybe YOU need to wake-up & step your ass out the door! 
You see I'm cutting my own piece of the pie 
& "Hell No" you ain't welcome to a crumb.

Woke Up by Janala

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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