I Found Myself

by L.D. Stewart

Someone once said to me
"Your poetry is like social commentary"
And I thought: I must agree because poetry
           To me has the ability
To affect change and lives if its real
Good or bad

Like the day I was sitting on a bus
And found myself

Standing in a line for food stamps or
Maybe it was postage
One I collect to sell the other I sell to collect

And I found myself
Jumping out the pew cause I got religion or
Maybe cause I just got out of prison

And I found myself
Marching in an army or
Maybe a revolution because there was no other solution

And I found myself
Lying in a casket
                Reborn to begin
A new journey called
Finding my self

I Found Myself by L.D. Stewart

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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