To Daddy

by Minz

To Daddy
I know Actually..
mere words could never say
But realistically..
I think about you everyday

Although all I really know about you is your name
I am still very interested in from whence you came

To Daddy
I wish my life was shared with yours
I know through pain love still endures

Oh Suddenly
Another tear has fallen from my eye
The very thought of you Daddy it still makes me cry

To Daddy
I never even seen your face before
Never heard you say "Baby-girl it's you that I adore

To Daddy
Your little girls all grown up now see
The time has passed to bounce me on your knee
To say how good you will always be to me

To Daddy
I got mad love for you like no other
But you might not like me cause I'm just like my 

To Daddy by Minz

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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