Chocolate As I Wanna Be

by Idalia Willis

I am chocolate sweet
Chocolate sistah deep
Coffee with a little cream
A black man's dream
I am Nubian sistah strong
A queen on her throne
A chocolate mind of my own
I need a Afro comb
I am as chocolate as I wanna be
Big smooth chocolate thighs
Chocolate brown eyes
Fat round chocolate cheeks be my set
I have chocolate melting heat
Moving easy to a chocolate beat
I've got chocolate confident nerves
Soul sistah chocolate curves
I am as chocolate as I wanna be
With sophisticated chocolate style
Enhancing my chocolate sistah smile
As I strut my chocolate self
Not wanting to be anybody else
I am as chocolate as I wanna be

Chocolate As I Wanna Be by Idalia Willis

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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