Sista Soul-OO*

by Hussein

Where did your Afro go
in that mini your legs you did show

We met at a protest long ago
when we refuse to leave off to jail we did go

I miss you so
my sweet Sista Soul-OO

You said together we could make real change
and the system we would rearrange

You left me and I hear you lost the will to fight
and now vote for the puppets on the right

I am one brokenhearted Joe
I am writing you because I thought you should know

Please reply and tell me it ain't so
my sweet Sista Soul-OO

*This poem is based on the and inspired by 
the Beach Boys song "Caroline No". 
Written by Brian Wilson and Tony Ascher

Sista Soul-OO by Hussein

© Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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