An Army Of Two*

by Hussein

An Army of two
just me and you

By day we were  freedom fighters
our parties were blow out all nighters

Burning the candle of life at both ends and in the middle
while  working to solve the meaning of it's wondrous riddle

Our  love was a romance
continuous like a marathon dance

The whole wide  world was our turf
together we were willing to battle all who inhabit planet  Earth

Kicking butt back to back like in the movie Mr and Mrs Jones
they couldn't stop us even if  they called in their drones

With you gone-I am army of one
and life just ain't no fun

*Inspired by the Everything But The Girl song 
"I always was your girl" 
Writers  Wyatt/Thorn 

An Army Of Two by Hussein

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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