3:46 am

by Hussein

It's 3:46 am and to my chagrin
my "Muse" is at it again

He said, he just stopped by for a quick visit
and to see if i was still with it

i said, hey Daddy O, i would offer you a cup of "joe"
but, i know you have to go

He said, yes i have got those stars in my eyes
and i am off to fly those friendly skies

He said, just wanted to leave me with some inspiration
that will give me that old fulfilled sensation

He said, remember  when you said hey to that "lady" on-line yesterday
she said she was only looking for a payday

All you said was hi
and that was her reply

you didn't even have time to think about an engagement ring
or if you wanted to do the marriage thing

He said, i want you do give her this quote
and i will take my leave on this note

That while she is out here playing "hoe for hire"
that one day she may look to retire

That she needs a 401 k or a Roth IRA
because you never know if tomorrow will be a "rainy day"

3:46 am by Hussein

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