Make My House A Home

by Monie T. Jackson

At the end of the day
After a hard day at work
I come home to bills
More bills, and more bills
Kids that are demanding
My Creditors never understanding
Phone calls from men
Where the best they have
To offer is sex
So instead I choose
To be alone
So then when the house
Is finally quiet
And I crawl helplessly to my bed
Sitting there all silent
I look around and wonder
Is my life really this
Is there something that I missed
I recognize blessings for 
What they are
Cause I know that things
Could be much harder
Nevertheless, I can’t help but think
That I am paying somehow
For all my past mistakes
Because when I lay my body down
There’s only me, myself, and I around
For the life of me, I just
Feel so incomplete
I wish upon a star
That someday I will meet
My prince
My hero
My shining star
That someone that will hold me
At night
And whisper in my ear 
That everything is ging to be alright.
He will make my heart
his house, and my 
house a home

Make My House A Home by Monie T. Jackson

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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