My Life Begins With You

by Monique "Deep Inside" Hughes

From the time that we met til the present
You have always been a special friend
I've always had the comfort and security
Of knowing you would be there til the end.

Although I acknowledged you, I overlooked you
Thinking complete happiness could be found in another.
Over and over, hurt  again, again, and again
Pain would bury me deeper and further down under

Then one day, like a startling miracle
You came back into my life
But in all honesty, you were never gone, 
I always just looked aside

But not anymore, my dear, my vision is now cured
No longer blind am I
I see you, my love, my knight, my hero
I don't want to let any more years pass us by

With you, I know your heart is sincere
With you, I know your love would be so true
Starting today, my love is your love
My life now begins with you.

My Life Begins With You by Monique "Deep Inside" Hughes

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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