I loved him
Gave it my all
100% of my heart
Belonged to him
Bit it wasn't enough
He had to have another
His son's mother
Became his lover
He left me
My life was shattered
What a mess
His life continued
Mine became subdued
I was bewildered
I wasn't enough
He had to have another
His son's mother
Became his lover
He walked away
He had nothing to say
What did I do wrong
Had this been going on all along
He had to have another
His son's mother
Became his lover
He left me lifeless
Almost mindless
Numb and paralyzed
Why did he have to have another
How did his son's mother
Become his lover – AGAIN??
Has my heart
Truly mended
Will I ever feel love again
The way I felt it with him
I've built such a wall
Because I'm scared to fall
In love
Because he left me broken