So You Want The Truth?

by The Abolitionist

We live in a world numb,
let those who have an ear hear the sum, 
those once wise are now dumb,
the hopeless, kill over a crumb,
hear the words of wisdom and run,
suppose to be teachers to their sons, 
then, bore the pain of the whip
under the heat of the sun, 
now focused on getting ass
and having fun, I can't believe, 
the things my eyes perceive,
suppose to be MEN leaders of this race, 
rather murders full of hate,
afraid to step up and take their God-given place, 
"Brother if you would just open your eyes
and look, I know you'd see,
" this shit wasn't meant to be,
we walk blind stuck in derision, 
to scared to open a book, research, or listen,
instead we live our days in prison, 
whether the physical or religion,
never questioning or making our own decisions, 
killing each other over a street, 
this shit has got to cease,
we're men, not beasts, strong not weak, 
whatever you sow you reap,
our women walk naked in the streets, 
when at one time she was meek,
made from cocoa and sweets, 
she even had a comely speech,
now she's trif, unfit to be a wife, 
fuck anything if the money is right,
moving from one bed to another, 
and all to please you brother…wake up,
this shit is real.

So You Want The Truth? by The Abolitionist

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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