In My Searching

by Daryl E. Horton

In my searching I’ve searched for someone quite fair
Not knowing that my search would lead to someone quite rare
And that in this world such a person could not be found
Because innocence and pureness is no more passed down
Virtues of a people longed since pasted
Their world, my world, a world that could never last
Only few truly know and only few have heard
Of such dealings of past most now consider to be absurd
But my search is inspired by my feelings and dreams
My irrepressible yearn to have one such human being
So until my search brings me to that special someone
My search in this lifetime shall never be done.

In My Searching byDaryl E. Horton

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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