Will You Die For Me?

by Daryl E. Horton

When you get sick
And the world treats you cruel
Your feelings of despair and hurt
Are my feelings too
When you need food
Its my hunger you feel
I share in your happiness
Your sadness my time of tears
Your joy to give birth
Is my happiness to be born
Your willingness to give love
And protect me from a life torn
Your thoughts
My dreams
Your visions
My prayers
The pipe at your lips
The smoke I inhale
To give birth is to choose
Whether to live or to die
When the time finally comes
Will you let me survive,
Will you die for me?

Will You Die For Me? by Daryl E. Horton

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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