Souled Out

by Rodger L. Hilliard

This is a sad story...
but one that has to be told,
it's about some brothas and sistas
that have definitely lost their soul.
They souled out to the devil
for a lil' bit of gold... just to occurred to me
...this story's gettin' old.
This is a story 'bout folks
who stand for nothing and fall for anything...
this is a story about niggas
and all the heartache they bring.
It's 'bout how they believe in the lies
and turn away from what is true...
I pray to God my friend...this story's not about you.

There were NO niggas brought to America's shores….
Nat Turner and John Brown had no niggas with them
when they sought to settle scores.
Just look what one nigga did to Denmark Vessey…..
souled him out...and things got messy...
prime example for all to see
of how a nigga can mess things up...
for folks like you and me.

Niggas don't have anything to say
unless they're joking or clowning...
inside every folks are drowning.
Niggas are searching for acceptance and confirmation...
in all the wrong places...
Niggas seek reassurance and approval
from all the wrong color faces.
Inside every nigga, black folks are vanishing
and all to often...they're not leaving any traces.

Now I don't consider myself
no measuring stick of blackness...
I just feel the need to add some commentary
on our wicked ass ways and slackness.
Niggas don't know their history...
they know nothing of the Zulu
and even less about the Moors...
I say again...there were No niggas
brought to America's shores...
Today we have young Tigers...
kickin' down the Master's doors.

Some have said Niggas Are Scared Of Revolution...
so why do we so often...
turn to a nigga when seeking out a solution?

We need to cut loose
that weak ass thuggish nigga mentality...
adapt a more appropriate...
Now I'm Gonna Get Ahead type of personality.
Let's quit acting like crabs
trying to escape the basket...
let's all wake up and put the nigga in the bed.
After all…….wasn't it once said...
the only good nigga...
is the one that is DEAD.

Souled Out by Rodger L. Hilliard

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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