This is a new day in which you have been blessed to walk,
to guard your thoughts and the way that you talk:
to ponder the things which you did yesterday
and determine yourself to walk a new way.
Today may seem lacking and uneventful at best
but you must bear in mind that this is only a TEST.
You should be mindful of others, your concerns placed aside;
putting others before you so they can see how the Lord provides.
You should search with your heart and not with your mind,
to unearth life's' hidden treasures and to lengthen your time.
If you choose the steps carefully that you're about to take,
the mistakes and the falls may not be so great.
Why bother to watch what you do or say?
Think about those who are not here to WITNESS this day!
The blessings are bountiful; the mercies are pure:
the love is worth striving for and the contentment is sure.
The peacefulness and the calm of a still small voice,
will enwrap you with awe and the NEED to rejoice.
How can you not want to make straight paths for your feet;
when the road you are walking is of those that do sleep?
Wake up,take pause;look after your souls,
for as long as you're here,you're more precious than gold.
The saddest and the longest walk that you can ever make;
is the walk of lost souls to the fiery lake.