
by RiP

Facetious rhythms
Run through my veins
A silent pain
Is what followed
The smiles	
Withering me away slowly
By contrasting styles
Of joy

If I was not aware
Of the visions that come forth
When the sun glares
Over my carcass
A lifeless shell…
Then the smell of estrogen
Emitting from the curvaceous shadows
In observation of my last breaths
The one outdated version
Of the leisure of slow deaths
Would break my spirit

But a mere mortal I am not
A simple man would fear it
But the complexities of my mind
Will not allow me to hear it
I shall always rise
Above the threats to my soul
While many continue to yearn
To have me in control

Predicting the path of my travels
Not knowing it was written
Before I conjured life's initial breath
That I would be condemned to a love
That cherishes until there is nothing left

My time has been set
The fate of my life adjourned
For when hell has no fury
Like the wrath of a woman scorned
The one they send into battle her…
Is me…

Warrior by RiP

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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