Heads or Tails?
If it was only that simple
For decisions take time
Especially when holding people’s lives in your hands
Happiness depending on you
Knowing tried and true you are the one
Rising the sun to those in the shadow of love
Which raises dilemma’s in our lives
As a wife is the ultimate goal for most men
But what happens when two apply for the position?
The definition of playa is brought to the podium
And while the desire to play this game is minimal
Our subliminal minds will force our hand
Making me stand in front of two mirrors staring at my reflection
Waiting for that injection of decisiveness to come over me
Freeing these feelings of love from their constant separation
Floating down two different paths independently
Satisfying two lusts for the same flavor
But savoring while others are suffering is not my intention
As my attention wanders falling into the stereotype
Of the indomitable phobic non-committal male
Leaving me in my current state
Dismissing all avenues available for something so abstract
Heads or Tails?
Is there truly a winner?
The look in their eyes at the drop of the coin lies the answer
That’s why I don’t carry spare change……..