Guiding Light

by Goldie

As the day begins,
I see the shining of your face,
Rising with the sun,
Bringing life to my awakening spirit,
Opening my eyes to the beauty you hold within,
Leaving me with an unquenchable desire to stay forever,
Basking in the ora you bestow upon me,
As your rays burn away my broken hearts,
With a pain that tastes so delicious,
The love in my heart will never go hungry,
And endure the days of starvation,
I felt without you in my life,
As you extend your love to my soul,
Leading me to the eternal light,
In which happiness reigns supreme,
As my vision is forever blinded,
And my heart becomes my eyes,
Taking me to the realm of inner peace,
Where you wait for my arrival,
As my ability to feel everything you hold inside,
Overides my desire to see your face,
Sending me to the kingdom of darkness forever,
With your love being my guiding light,
To the birth of our happiness,
Where my journey has ended,
And the sun retires into the darkness,
Returning my vision to me slowly,
Giving me the chance to see your face again,
As i look into your eyes and see my own,
For i have achieved my destiny,
As our spirits have found each other,
And our quest for eternal love,
Has come to an end,
As the light goes out,

Guiding Light by Goldie

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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