
by RiP

Although she has not existed in my axis
For quite some time
Her delicate scent still lingers in the distance
An erotic mist of cinnamon 
That grazes every breath I take
Giving me a taste of having my cake and eating it too
With the truest emotion I never knew existed

And although I know this is a twisted dream of melancholy
I never want to awake from its rapture
Engulfed in prayers of capturing this feeling
That is slowly revealing my skin overcome with sweat
For my mouth is too proud to admit regret is what I’m finding
Such small memories reminding me of that special inkling
Shared by two souls intertwined
That these walls always kept from fleeing
Surrounded my spirit
Encompassed every part of my being
And the irony that only now in retrospect
That I’m seeing the true meaning of it all
Is something to somber for me to explain

I’m reminded on the quick smell of sweetness
When she walked by me in disdain over broken promises
Over early Saturday times I entered these walls
Or Sundays at home when I should’ve been by her side
Paying my savior some of my life’s purest homage’s

It comes closer and sends me visions
Of the times I was fortified in its prison
Holding her in my arms
Clasped in a glow that shined golden brown
With no desire to leave
Hearts beating in smooth rhythmic tones
Her lips close to my own
Neither of us with a desire to breathe again
Overcome with the knowledge
That right then… at this very moment
Any other thought, act, emotion or feeling…
Would be a sin more revealing that we’ve ever known

But just as I see the highest point
The scene where we anointed our spirits to each other
For no other to ever hold in this lifetime
A small gentle breeze graced my window
That Mother Nature calls “no second chance”
And danced the scent of her that allowed smiling at the past 
To be an easy occurrence
Back on the path of broken dreams
And although I was focused on savoring the lasting fragrance
Stricken with the inability to hear the melody life brings
It seems in the aftermath of its exodus
I heard someone chant to my heart
It’s time to move on and sing the song of the future
Leaving me with a breath of fresh air
And a memory I will only describe to outsiders as…


Aroma by RiP

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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