What my father use to say,
“Every friend is not a friend!
Just because you didn’t get caught,
doesn’t mean you didn’t sin!
Eight hours work for eight hours pay.
Always give respect to God
for living another day!
Give more than you take.
You don’t know all the answers
you’ll make plenty of mistakes.
Don’t be scared to take an unpopular stand,
you would rather die on your feet, then on your hands.
Never tell a woman “I love you!” – unless you do,
and hopefully she will be in love with you, too.
Sleeping with every woman doesn’t make you a man!
By the disappointment on your face, I can see I just ruin your plans.
Love your wife with all your heart,
and she’ll work by your side from the very start.
To your children be a guiding light,
and when they grow up they’ll do what is right.
Be strong! Learn how to endure,
let go of disappointments and keep your heart pure.
For health, success, and a good life don’t forget to pray,
and you to will be imparting knowledge to your children one day.”