Love Needs Our Help

by Gaptoothbrotha

Good evening ladies and gentlemen
I have an important announcement to make
Love is in serious trouble tonight
Love is losing the battle to HATE!
It's in a helluva fight
Please listen to my plea!
It's taking a barrage of punches
It's tired and beaten, down on one knee

We can't let HATE win
It will take a collective effort
To turn the world from sin
Our souls are the prize
Are we to busy with our lives?
To see what's happening before our eyes?

Virtue has been lost
We must find it within ourselves to turn the tide
No matter the cost
From this reality we can no longer hide

A simple wave and a hello
A friendly smile will help
We must let HATE know
We'll defeat it with love!
By praying to God to shower us with his grace
Disregarding this world, focusing on heaven above
Till we realize we're all sistahs and brothas
HATE will have the upper hand
All I'm trying to say, "Is that we have to love one 

Love Needs Our Help by Gaptoothbrotha

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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