Feeling You

by Gap Tooth Brotha

it was real
that kiss
yea, that kiss
you kissed me with last night
then you caressed me with your hand
laying your head on my chest
it felt so real
when you snuggled up too me
your warmth filled my body
the sweet smell of you
as we began to fall asleep
suddenly, the kiss
you kissed me and smiled
that smile
yea, your smile
the smile that won me over
smiling you whispered "I love you!"
then I woke up
it was one of your many visits
brief encounters
I know you look down at me 
watching over me
I feel you in my dreams

Feeling You by Gap Tooth Brotha

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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