Big Game Hunter

by Gap Tooth Brotha


   the predator raises to feed his lustful appetite

      prowling the jungle for the weak and young

           prey stalked in familiar places

          his walk, talk, and ways are loved

    rough, rugged, and tough they’re drawn to him

         excitement makes them ignore danger

                  viciously devoured

                   lives shattered

                   dreams trampled

growls of satisfaction resonate throughout the jungle

               selfish wants fulfilled

               an appetite extinguished

    broken promises and hurt feeling don’t matter

    the young are left to care for offspring alone

     the weak are left with a promise to be loved

 a wife is left with broken promises of faithfulness

               lust has been satisfied

Big Game Hunter by Gap Tooth Brotha

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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