Your Fault/My Blame

by Trina Williams-Emigh

I cannot always fault you-
For your sins
I have sins of my own
And I’ve replicated yours
In spite of mine

But, I can blame you-
For my beginnings
This birth into self destruction
That consumes my people
And poisons our communities
Destroying us……All

I cannot always fault you-
For my shortcomings
Responsibility for my actions
Is my own
There are things I must change myself
In spite of you

But, I can blame you-
For detracting me
Placing impossible obstacles in my path
Enslaving us with unjust laws
And imprisoning my people in poverty
Erasing history……Everyone’s

I cannot always fault you-
For my part in this holocaust
That we call living
In spite of God

But, I can blame you-
For creating this environment
That we share

I cannot always fault you-
For it’d do me only harm
But, I can blame you-
For being humanities abductor
And mankind’s deadliest foe
Yet though you are at fault
I too am to blame

Your Fault/My Blame by Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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