What I Can Claim

by Trina Williams-Emigh

I can douse you in fire
Then cool you with it's flame
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can make you like a jungle - wild
Then render you tame
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can declare you the hunter
Yet pursue you like game
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can paint the world as a picture
And you as it's frame
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can incite you to tremble, and weep
Crying out loudly in shame
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can encase you in darkness
And make you call softly my name
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can profess that I need you
And make you do the same
Possessing a power only I can claim

I can make you love me
And gladly take all the blame
Possessing a power only I can claim

What I Can Claim by Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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