This Want Is...

by Randall Longshore and Trina Williams-Emigh

This want is...
Fresh enough to be new
Old enough, that it lingers
Like the powerful affect on me
From the touch of your fingers

This want is...
Strong enough to be a danger
Yet weak enough to subdue
Like the subjugated slave
I've become for you

This want is...
Hungry enough that it's demanding
Though full enough to command
Like the reaction of my body
From the touch of your hand

This want is...
Deep enough to drown in
While shallow enough to breathe
Like the sigh that escapes me
When you fulfill my need

This want is...
As lovely as the rainbow.
As passionate as I can go.
Like a starlight so starbright,
I'll never want you out of my sight

This want is...
From the deepest part of my heart.
From prayers when I pray to God.
You are the rest of my life!
My love for you is a warm touch,
And my kindness to you is tender and just.

This want is...
Like a lovely flower
Given to you each precious hour.
The touch of your kind fingers,
Your smile that lingers.
The beauty in your brown eyes
Makes my heart and soul smile.

This want is...
What all wants wish.
But no one can give
This want of love as I have for you.
So all my days I'll live
To drown deep inside of your love,
And ask God for warmth
From his heaven above.

This Want Is... by Trina Williams-Emigh and Randall Longshore

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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