Lost But Found

by Trina Williams-Emigh

Did you put down your shield
for wings of gold
For limitless flight
and mysteries untold
For blissful days of enveloping peace
and endless nights that seem never to cease

Did you shed your cloak
for spiritual attire
For timeless freedom
and a place to retire
For a welcomed escape
from emotional trappings
and a seamless form
from traditional wrappings

Did you let down your defense
for benevolent salvation
For absolute forgiveness
and its promising invitation
For honest acceptance
into unwavering truth
No longer the threat of exemption
for you are now in the divinity of God's redemption
You've departed swiftly to higher ground
And though we've lost you, you've actually been found

Lost But Found by Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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