In my minds eye I saw it
It was miles away,
Yet we were inches apart
Because it's where I began
And still it resides in my heart of hearts
I marveled at its beauty
The inviting warmth of its orange skies
And its reflecting desert sand
It symbolizes permanence
So I gladly proffer an out stretched hand
It caressed me
And I lay my head in its bosom
Being welcomed into its fold
I felt its nurturing
While I was swaddled into its familiar hold
Its fragrance captivated me
Scented only by natures wares
I was caught up in the rapture
Drunk on herbs, oils & musk
As I silently plead for its recapture
Reclaim me....oh Africa
Land of diamonds and warriors
And save the soul of a fledgling
Who was born unto American soil
To stand fascinated beside the Niles bewitching