Don't Pass Up Your Blessings

by Miguel Wilder & Trina Williams-Emigh

If I offered you my hand
Would you take it?
Not knowing where it would lead.

If I offered you my heart
Would you break it?
Not knowing if it would bleed.

If I offered you my understanding
Would you accept it?
Not knowing if it was true.

If I offered you my compassion
Would you laugh at it?
Not knowing what else to do.

If I offered you....isn't it more than most would even attempt?
For people usually hold one another blindly in contempt.
So if I offered you....take it, without a second guess.
For all you know what I offer........ just might be blessed.

If I offered you my love
Would you neuter it?
Not knowing into what it will blossom.

If I offered you limbs
Would you let them hold you?
Or would you break them off and toss them?

If I offered you my richness
Would you save it?
To be spent only in times of need.

If I offered you my heart
would you enslave it?
Break me down to fill your soul with greed.

If I offered you....isn't it more than most would even attempt?
For people usually hold one another blindly in contempt.
So if I offered you....take it, without a second guess.
For all you know what I offer........ just might be blessed.

Don't Pass Up Your Blessings by Miguel Wilder & Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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