Clock Wise

by Trina Williams-Emigh

I can’t breathe for you
You’ve got to breathe for yourself
I’m tired of always breathing
For everyone but myself
I sit and listen to nonsense
Until it explodes inside my head
Then I crawl into my shadow
And hope my actions aren’t misread
I give the part of me that’s necessary
To make it through the day
And who I really am
Is safely hidden away
No one would understand
The things I long to share
And in reality
They don’t even care
This is the existence
I’ve come to know
Thought by now
It wouldn’t be this way any more
Is this the life I’ll die with
Always knowing who I am
Yet never asked that question
By a single solitary friend
I am the day after tomorrow
And the day after that
I always push aside my sorrow
And accept what brings happiness
I’m ever evolving
Mutating because I grow so fast
Living in the future
Propelled by my past
I’ve never taken the time to self destruct
Because who’d gather my debris?
I’d blow away like dust
So before you I stand
Solid as a rock
But deep inside

Clock Wise by Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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