A Woman's Burden

by Trina Williams-Emigh

Somehow I've stumbled from grace in the eyes of man
irregardless of my sacrifice
despite my salvation
I slit my wrists and bleed...
self pity
self destruction
self hate
onto his hands
But he doesn't bother to cleanse them
He just digs deeper into my virginity 
as I silently bleed some more
While his hands grope for pleasure,
his lips kiss for joy
And I am expected to understand...why he chose me
I bear his weight
as he shifts
as he strains
as he grows
burying his troubles inside - giving up his load
freely imparting it to me
I often try and cleanse myself through
Only to be expected to recieve
the weight
the load
and again
But now when I bleed
he tells me to clean myself
I'm a mess
and I've got other things to do - for him
Bear his children
Support his goals
Accept his discretions
Abide in his world
I  seem to have stumbled from grace in the eyes of man
irregardless of my sacrifice
despite my salvation
And when I slit my wrists and bleed...
self pity
self destruction
self hate
onto his hands
He doesn't bother to cleanse them
He just digs deeper into my loyality 
as I silently bleed some more
his hands groping for pleasure,
his lips kissing for joy
And I am expected to understand...why he chose me

A Woman's Burden by Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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