by Trina Williams-Emigh

I write words wisely
Purposely picking possible phrases
That sing sweetly in symphonic syncopation

I graciously gather genuine gab
And exhibit it extemporaneously
Frequently flaunting fabulous formulations
Of vivaciously venturesome verse

I consciously contemplate circumstances
Ambitious to acquire acceptance of actuality
Tirelessly teaching my thoughts to travel
Beyond basic beliefs

I manage to marry my madness
Of regurgitated repressed reasoning
With the immediate issue of interest
In our heavily hyped headlines

I deeply dissect daily dilemma’s 
Normally nursing them into nocturnal nightmares of nonsense
As I occasionally obsess over one….or other
Undeniable uses of utilitarianism

I juggle jargon justly
Keenly knitting key keepsakes
Of logical lifelong lessons
Into quality quintessential quarry

I am a xenogenetic xerox of xenogamy
Yearning to yolk yesterday
As I zip to my zenith with zeal

ABZ by Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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