The War Within

by Ande' Ardnassac' Sir'rah

I’ve been battling with myself
  Trying to win with the war within
But its been a long and trying road 
  I’ve been sad many of days 
Feeling useless feeling like there were no ways
Tired of being worried and confused
  Just tired of being refused 
All because I can’t talk a certain way
  Or I can’t do what someone else can
Forget everyone else, I’m not trying to be like 
  No one except self
Trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations
  Trying to please this person and that one
All while trying to ease my headaches 
  I’m young, “Yes”, but my heart and body still aches
Because a lot has been going thru my mind
  Love from family and men have had me blinded 
But never again, I’ve learned to regain from the past 
  And be strong once more
I’ve been troubled trying to do what’s right
  Always helping most, but in other’s sight
That wasn’t good enough
  So their love wasn’t real and that made me real, tough
I pray to the Lord both night and day 
  Praying that he’ll take all my grief away
That is the battle, I’ve been trying to win
  This notorious fight with the war within…

The War Within by Ande' Ardnassac' Sir'rah

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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