No matter how bad I get hurt
No matter how bad I get trampled on
No matter how bad I get talked about
No matter how bad I get mistreated
I am somebody in God’s eyes
When tears are rolling
When boots are marching
When hands are washing
When feet are dancing
When fingers are writing
I am somebody in God’s eyes
All alone, All scare, All caring, All loving,
All understanding, All wise
I am somebody in God’s eyes
Hurting on the inside, Smiling on the outside
You will never know how I’m feeling
But while you’re yepping at the mouth
I want you to know,
I am somebody in God’s eyes
You don’t have to say a word
My Jesus knows all there is to know
I am not perfect, but I strive to be
That’s a pretty good drive
From start point to finish
But I want the world to know that
I am somebody in God’s eyes…