My lord, I spoke to him; for a love to have
I'm sure that was a joke 2 him; & he bgan 2 laugh
Others would b plentiful; w/ blessings & grace
I would b miserable; w/ less things to face
N-love w/ a woman; who would only bring me down
N-search of something; never to be found
I feel so belittled; because of our hopes to be
As if this was a riddle; and the jokes on me
Y would u choose 2 stab me; like my love was hate
I've been bruised so badly; i now ? my FAITH.
Y send her this way; 2b the cause of my breath?
When u knew this day; she's the cause of my death
2 love her ws my job; w/ no resntment but devtion
Nstead my heart ws robbed; of cmmimnt & emotion!
God u never question; no matter the situation
Cld he make an exception; & gve me an explanation
Y u sent her in my life; & i would never hurt her
Nstead i wld pay a price; & my heart was MURDERED