The Most Beautiful Girl

by Destiny

For expression is my duty; because I'm a poet,
But the blessing is your beauty; allow me to show it.

With the evolution; of these words to be,
From the sight of your illusion; they occur 2 me

My heart easily melts; from the sight of this girl.
Her loveliness itself; is a gift to the world.

My flame is ignited; that's easy to tell of me,
For I am excited; simply from the smell of she!

Her love is like the season; that Christmas brings.
For she is the reason; birds begin to sing.

Her vision is a feature; like a fantasy or dream
For she's the most beautiful creature; I've ever seen!

Not at all is it hard; to denigh my resistance,
Truly there is a god; because of her existence.

Because only one so perfect; could be her sculpture,
Giving my heart a purpose; and a love to search for.

Never have I been; such a fool for confession,
Using paper and pen; as my tools of expression.

To exspaciate; the feeling she brings to me,
How I appreciate; her beauty and what it means to me.

From this moment thereof; I submit to her affection,
But only if her love; could be in my possession.

Then, what a wonderful world; this would be,
A beautiful girl; with the last name of me.

For her essence is paramount; such a view for the world,
She is with no doubt; the most beautiful girl

The Most Beautiful Girl by Destiny

© Copyright2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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