Vertical Limit

by DBryant

Momma I can't stand for this!
Him slappin' beatin' me with his hands and fists
Punchin screamin fightin my son that ain't his!
I just can't take no more!
cracked mirrors broken glass
my tears and blood on the floor
but the pain, the pain in his eyes won't let me go
won't let me leave
another night of rockin my child to sleep
singing a soft song
as the back of my head and nose bleeds.
Momma I've tried it your way
said all the work you told me to say
had dinner ready at the end of everyday
But it's never right
and night after night
ends in a nasty fight
did you even know, Momma that for 2 weeks
I lost my sight?
I'm fine now of course, he was sorry,
said that he wouldn't do it again,
said that he went drinking with this friends that blacking
my eye wasn't his intention
so since it was a mistake there was no need to mention
it or the others either
they were all my fault, bad mouthing, going shopping,
mashed potato's with no salt.
I've learned now though, pay attention as I go.
I will certainly do better in my next life
be a better Mom, and be the best wife.
I will love him more, be less insecure,
not question him when he heads out the door
I will know my place next time.
In my next life
No Momma, I can't  keep living this lie
Keep covering my face of the swollen lips
and the black eyes
So tonight I laced his Gin with lye
packed my bags and kissed him bye.
Please Momma don't be too sad
I know that's the only son you had
but he hurt me alot and
he hurt me bad, you can't understand what
my life was like and now this is good bye to you
I'm uprooting my child to new place and
new faces will not know that the traces of my tears
are not of pain but
of freedom.

Vertical Limit by DBryant

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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