Train Ride To Nowhere

by DBryant

"All aboard" I heard him say
time to go, time to get away
"girl Let's go!" I told a friend
"I don't know" she said and grinned
I say to myself, I know I'm gone
She cans stay where the nights are long
I'mma go and find sunshine
Eat fine food and drink good wine
live life that's what I gotta  do
Can't stay and make some man love you
I know that's right, so I'm gettin' on this train
" You better come on, if you got half a brain'
And ride now here? Where we gonna go,
you tell me if you know fo' sho"
She started with me, her hands on her hips
I turned around she watched my back and feet
Make it's way out or in per say
'Cause I got to go get the hell away!
"Wait!" She yells the damn fool she is
If she thinks I'mma stop, a damn fool she is
I can see it, and I ain't even there
On this train ride to nowhere.

Train Ride To Nowhere by DBryant

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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