Rolling Stone

by DBryant

I have a man, you've seen him B'for
You know him dwell I'm sure
I've seen you two, didn't see me though
        He ain't just mine no mo'
Surprise for you, I've seen her too
        He ain't just ours no mo'
Don't cry now, he'll laugh you see
He's much too much for you and me
I sit back and wait my turn
maybe child one day you'll learn
to love with your head and not your heart
to stop your feeling before they start
Now there's girl three friends with Ms. Fo'
        I tell you now, he ain't just ours no Mo'
Don't get mad now, or he won't come back
Afraid that you'll go crazy and crack
take him out he's scared fo' sho'
        Then he won't be nobody's no Mo'

Rolling Stone by DBryant

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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