I Want To Go To Izreal

by DBryant

I want to go to Izreal

To see unexplored territory
Find the heart of his land
and anchor.
I want to touch the smootheness of his terrain
and taste his smile
then swim in the showers of his tears
to feel the wind of his breath on my back

I got to hurry up and get to Izreal
to travel gently through heightened storms
So that my tongue can journey his body
twice again
I want to shelter his kernel of our lifes existence
with the warmth of my center
to make this world of his
Go to Izreal to see how much
ground I can cover.
Just how far can I get
With spoken word
and a smile
Speak into the ear of the earth

and watch the tree grow.
I quench the thirst of
the land with the rivers of my soul.

Upon my return
I will smile at my
write about my journey's
then secretly
return to
The Ventures
of Izreal.

I Want To Go To Izreal by DBryant

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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