I wont be crying
the tears of pain I once felt
the memories of you lying
Time lost, with it all I have dealt
Putting it behind me and looking up
On to a life, a love anew
My battles of Love have been rough
and trials of life have been too.
Funny, my hearts young with an age old mind to guide it
Proven hard at times
Decisions I make don't always fit
or are short changed with nickles and dimes
For you
There was love before you knew me
I would have given anything if you asked
So unaware, you walked straight through me
Going unnoticed as if masked
troubling you with mere 'Hi's'
Trying to show you the woman behind the kiss
the warmth behind the good-bye's
after time the pain from your fists
Making dreams my realities
and smiles from shame
no more getting off on formalities
no more me to play your games
For you,
I leave
your name.