
by DBryant

It's the calm of still waters
the quiet of green pastures
You find in a country ravine
It carries over mountains
into the skies above
I am feeling peace.

It's the brightness of the sun
warming my every thought
It is the joy that flows
like brooks and streams
Your laughter echoes
into the tunnels of my heart
just a touch, waken the depths of my soul
Bringing my spirit to the surface
for the world to see
I have found you.

I'm feeling the sunrise and set
when your close
the sparkle of a thousand stars
I am feeling as free and open
as the ocean wide, deep as
the clear blue sea,
I am feeling love.

Untitled by DBryant

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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